A personal project I had planned for a long while but never got the chance to execute on until recently. I love the villages in Cinque Terre on the coast of Italy, and after watching a Rick Steves episode about it, I decided to go for it. I started this project in May of 2017. Built from the ground up in UE4 using the VR template as a start. Modelling in Maya, Textures in Substance Designer/Painter. It is still very much work in progress, but I won't be able to get back to it until next year when I plan to have it freely downloadable and viewable in VR.
QUANTUM THEORY'S Rome Fantasy Pack I is the most amazing asset pack I have ever laid eyes upon and I thank them eternally for how badass their modular blueprints were. Commented blueprints, organized EVERYTHING allowed me to really dig in and add my own custom architecture and materials/textures to an already awesome pack. Since Vernazza was built so long ago, QT's old Roman architecture was a good starting point for me. XO