Cinque Terre, Italy - Vernazza Project UE4/VR WIP

At the start of the project I did some research into IGS terrain data of the area along the coast where the five villages are.  Humans adapted that terrain to their will, and nature found the weak points in their design philosophy.

At the start of the project I did some research into IGS terrain data of the area along the coast where the five villages are. Humans adapted that terrain to their will, and nature found the weak points in their design philosophy.

melding haphazard organic design with carefully, violently vetted  natural influences is one of the reasons I am obsessed with this area.  One day I will visit!

melding haphazard organic design with carefully, violently vetted natural influences is one of the reasons I am obsessed with this area. One day I will visit!

I have planned out a few locations, vantage points that the player can teleport to.  Anchoring them around believable scaled stuff always does the trick.

I have planned out a few locations, vantage points that the player can teleport to. Anchoring them around believable scaled stuff always does the trick.

Started off building everything in maya.  This was a simple layout for "3d" concept that allowed me to set up the scene in UE4 as fast as possible.

Started off building everything in maya. This was a simple layout for "3d" concept that allowed me to set up the scene in UE4 as fast as possible.

the end of the "concept" phase. Who am I kidding, I thought it was done, and I decided all the things needed fixing.

the end of the "concept" phase. Who am I kidding, I thought it was done, and I decided all the things needed fixing.

Cinque Terre, Italy - Vernazza Project UE4/VR WIP

A personal project I had planned for a long while but never got the chance to execute on until recently. I love the villages in Cinque Terre on the coast of Italy, and after watching a Rick Steves episode about it, I decided to go for it. I started this project in May of 2017. Built from the ground up in UE4 using the VR template as a start. Modelling in Maya, Textures in Substance Designer/Painter. It is still very much work in progress, but I won't be able to get back to it until next year when I plan to have it freely downloadable and viewable in VR.

QUANTUM THEORY'S Rome Fantasy Pack I is the most amazing asset pack I have ever laid eyes upon and I thank them eternally for how badass their modular blueprints were. Commented blueprints, organized EVERYTHING allowed me to really dig in and add my own custom architecture and materials/textures to an already awesome pack. Since Vernazza was built so long ago, QT's old Roman architecture was a good starting point for me. XO